I know I am not the only busy person in the world. Today made my head spin. Stop reading right now, Dear Reader, if you are not up to wading through my combination Pity Party and Victory Dance (to the tune of my theme song,
"Takin' Care of Business", as you already know).
5:45 a.m. Hit SNOOZE to stop the guy on the radio talking about when he found out his mom was really his sister.
5:55 a.m. Turned off the alarm before it came on again. Jumped out of bed after having a premonition of how busy the day would be. Fed the cats.
6:05 a.m. Threw ingredients into the Crock Pot (it is #3, if you are wondering which of my five I used) for tonight's dinner.
6:15 a.m. Barely escaped falling into the chest freezer while digging out hamburger for tomorrow's Rock the Crock event at work.
6:20 a.m. Wrote myself a note to take out the garbage and prepare the Crock to Rock.
6:22 a.m. Made Girl9's breakfast. Toaster waffle with peanut butter and syrup. Breakfast of a champion, and in my estimation, should be what every 4th grader dreams of for breakfast. My opinion seems to be only that - my opinion.
6:25 a.m. Made my lunch. Hummus and turkey on diet bread. An apple. Lunch of a dieter. Threw in that bag of M & Ms that has been calling me ever since it mysteriously opened itself.
6:35 a.m. Packed a basketball gear bag for Girl9. Shorts, shirt, shoes.
6:40 - 7:00 Met my own basic needs, including showering, dressing, eating a bagel and slurping the sweet nectar of life, in the form of instant orange cappuccino.
7:05 Grabbed my lunch, my voter's ballot, another child's coat to be reunited with its owner, and reminded Girl9 to snag her basketball bag, backpack and wear a coat with a hood, as she would be walking to her school from my work. Hoods are necessary to combat precipitation in our climate.
7:18 Arrived at work. Mailed my ballot. Unlocked the door for two boys to do some work on a project in my classroom.
7:20 Wrote a note to allow Girl9 to be picked up at school by someone different from the norm.
7:45 Escorted a parade of small children to my classroom to await departure to their own school.
8:15 Greeted my first class. They greeted me with complaints about their late work not earning full credit. Upon inquiry, discovered that boys who worked in the classroom before school did not really do any work.
8:20 Sent small children to walk to their own school.
8:20 - 11:10. Taught large children while enduring complaints about grades and amount of homework. Gave quizzes to three classes. Corrected them throughout the day.
11:10 Supervised a boy working on his project in my classroom. Let us call him Logan. This was supposed to be my lunch time.
11:40 Wolfed down hummus sandwich and sucked up more nectar of life.
11:45 - 12:45 Attended a training meeting. Was called out at one time to clarify how Girl9 was getting home.
12:45 - 2:00 Attended a team meeting.
2:00 - 2:45 Recorded grades in grade book. Picked up scissors, tape and string from the floor where Lunchtime Logan had left them.
2:45 - 2:50 Walked to Girl9's school.
3:05 Attended Girl9's teacher conference.
3:30 Attended another conference for Girl9.
4:00 Returned to my own workplace, lugging a large bag of fundraising items sold by Girl9.
4:05 Attended a union meeting. Ate a bunch of those M & Ms previously mentioned.
5:15 Picked up Girl9 from basketball practice.
5:30 Arrived home. Threw rice in rice cooker. Fed the cats. Brought in a load of firewood. Started a new load of laundry. Read note. Took out garbage. Thawed meat for tomorrow's Rock the Crock. Cooked meat for said event. Dished up dinner and ate it. Encouraged Girl9 to practice the piano and requested backup on laundry duty. Girl9 was kind enough to fold a load of clothes.
7:00 Wrote a worksheet for tomorrow's class.
8:30 Cleaned up kitchen. Collected ingredients to make tomorrow's Rock the Crock at the crack of dawn. Fed wood stove.
9:00 Fell asleep while watching TV.